No one knows how
The Validity of any of this is at question, due to the fact that Department 14's personnel records are terrible!!
and things that go bump, twang, bok, glarp, shlurp and boom bang a bang in the night...
No one knows how
The Validity of any of this is at question, due to the fact that Department 14's personnel records are terrible!!
Everyone has heard of Vampires, but have you ever heard about a Reverse Vampire?
When I first encountered one in Zagreb, I thought that it was a joke, but no. These creatures exsist, albeit in a lesser known capacity than their night-life loving brothers.
Reverse Vampires are exactly what they sound like. They love Garlic, are devoulty religious creatures, are always looking at themselves in mirrors and walk about in the day and sleep at night. Oh and moonlight kills them. They do however still feed on blood, that part is un-changed. So they're pretty similar to the French...
I was in a group of 4 hunters, who were looking for a Wendigo but due to some strange weather paterns, we had lost it. So we went to a Zagreb fun-fair, which is about as fun as you'd expect... except this one had a Reverse Vampire running it. He killed the others one by one and I barely got out with my life thanks to the fact I had just eaten some Polo's I bought from a gas station as apparantly they can't stand minty freshness.
So how do you kill a Reverse Vampire? Stake through the heart, same way as you'd kill a regular vampire or tie them up and wait for the moon to come out. Reverse Vampires aren't as well know, but they are as deadly, they've got super strength, speed and can walk in the day. Good luck if you find one!
The first entry to this blog was a poem written about Edward Lobe by an anonymous source. I have found several stories about Edward Lobe and his hapless ward
His personnel file is written in a strange language that I have yet to decipher, so all I have at the moment are snippets of information that I’ve gathered from the various stories I’ve collected about him.
Lobe knows his stuff, being a published author of various occult related texts, and he also works as a Professor of History at
I mentioned Lobe’s ward,
He also seems quite a sympathetic character, choosing to ask questions first, then some more questions, then attempt negotiations, then shoot as a very last result, even his first book titled “Werewolves are humans too” spoke about how we should look after these mystical monstrosities as oppose to killing them. Personally I think he’s crazy.
In the history of haunted houses, there are some particularly gruesome ones. One particularly nasty one in
The story goes that about 50 years ago, a woman called Mary Claudette got engaged to a Moray McLardy (who I have on record as being a member of some kind of cult which I'm looking into) They prepared to get married, but as Mary didn't have any other family members and it was traditional for the brides side to pay for the wedding, she sold her house to pay for it. The wedding day came and McLardy didn't show up, Mary was heartbroken and homeless.
The only clothes she had was her wedding dress and even the Church of Ecstatic Jubilation, where they were due to be wed, closed the door on her. With no where else to go, Mary wandered the streets and simply vanished!
No one knows how she died, but three years later the haunting of her old house began and has continued to this very day. The locals renamed her old home to Hell House. Legend has it that when you enter Hell House, the doors lock and you have till dawn before you are killed by a “Bride”.
Although it is literally a deathtrap for those who enter, it has had lots of different owners, due to savvy estate agents who have neglected to tell their victims that although it’s a good deal for a two bedroom semi-detached property, the occupants will die if they enter the house.
So be cautious, and remember to outright ask any estate agent you ever buy off of, if the house you are buying is built on an Indian burial ground, or is haunted, or if it has got a good broadband connection.
Out of all the members of Department 14, none of them scare me as much as “The Baron”.
His real name was unknown, and his birthplace was listed as Kefeklahania. Looking through hundreds of maps, consulting some professional help and sifting through tons of geographical data, I have yet to find any location for Kefeklahania, some of the older texts I examined mentioned it, but there were no co-ordinates. The location of this fabled land, probably died with him in 2006... the oldest records that I could get my hands on regarding Department 14’s personnel list, was dated 1611… and The Baron is listed as a member, so he was at least three hundred and ninety six years old.
Even though he’s dead, he is still on their records as an active member, which strikes me as odd, especially as I found a picture of him dated 2007, a year after he apparantly died? Is he an immortal?… I’m not sure exactly sure how The Baron died, all the records state that he had gone up against something called The Dark Spirit… but I have yet to find any record of what one of those is...
The Baron actually had been in a lot of trouble with Department 14, as he kept selling everything that the Department had confiscated off ignorant members of the public, including several ancient texts, several possessed artifacts and a life size replica of Bigfoot.
Hopefully, through my research I will find out what happened to this Baron character, and maybe find out what he really was, because for all my research I can't find anything that makes me think for one second that he's human...
I have, for sometime, been interested in the paranormal, the supernatural, the paranatural and the supernormal, and my endeavours to locate such fiendish fiends as werewolves and vampires have filled my life with danger and horror.
Once I believed, as I’m sure do you, that the only ghost’s that existed in this world were those made in a Hollywood studio, or on a cheap amusement ride, but one day, my curiosity got the better of me, and I, like many foolish men before me, began to pour my life into the research behind the myths of un-dead creatures and all sorts of foulness that pollutes the shadows of our world.
There are those out there who believe it is in our best interest, not to know of the real evils in the world, they are content with having you fearing a nuclear attack from a foreign enemy, as oppose to having you know the truth and have you smearing your rooms with garlic for constant fear of vampire attack, but I believe that all people should know of what is really going on behind the veil that those in the know have pulled over our ignorant eyes.
I am a ghost-hunter, a monster-follower, a un-dead-watcher. I try to find these creatures of the night, but when I do find these foul things, I often know not what to do, and that’s why I’ve begun to catalogue these creatures so that if you found yourself in a situation with a Kilmoulis or an Obake, you may last longer than most of the people who encounter such things.
Luckily for all of us, there are those who already know about these fiends, and protect us from them on a daily basis. I have come across one particular organisation several times and have compiled some of their exploits for you. The organisation is called Department 14, their founder wished to call it Department 13, but alas the name was already taken by a Swedish folk band. It’s members are… to say the least, odd, and I intend to tell you the tales of them all…
Once upon a midnight feast,
I met a man, who was a beast,
He changed before my very eyes,
And ate some guests to my surprise
He chased me through the foggy fog
And then across a boggy bog
That monster never slowed his pace
Till I was cornered, in a lonely place
His fangs were large, his eyes were red
I surely thought that I was dead
But instead he died and let go my robe
Thanks to my saviour, Edward Lobe.
- Anon